manual therapy Fredericksburg, VA

Manual Therapies

Manual Therapy Can Provide Holistic Relief For Your Pain

Are you suffering from pain as a result of injury, illness, or surgical procedure?

It can be difficult to determine what the best course of treatment can be for your needs, but manual therapy may be able to help. If you are worried about receiving manual therapy treatments, let us ease your mind a bit:

Our physical therapists have several tools in their toolbox that are meant to relieve your pain, while simultaneously improving your body’s function.

We receive many first-time physical therapy patients who come in thinking their treatments will be painful due to the condition they are in. However, that is not the case at all! The treatments are gentle and effective, and many are pleasantly pleased afterwards.

You may benefit from manual physical therapy if you’re dealing with a chronic nagging pain. Call Hilltop Physical Therapy at (540) 891-5326 to get started.

What is manual therapy?

Our physical therapists have received extensive training in specialized manual therapy techniques from a wide variety of schools and instructors.

Manual therapy is just one tool in a physical therapist’s kit that allows them to mobilize stiff joints, lengthen soft tissue, reduce swelling, and increase your range of motion.

Is manual therapy safe? Does it hurt?

Manual therapy is safe, non-invasive, and it doesn’t hurt. Our physical therapists are highly trained medical professionals who understand the limitations of your body, as well as its capabilities.

Movement dysfunction often occurs following surgery, such as total joint replacement, injuries, accidents, or illnesses that makes you feel weak and unable to function at your normal physical levels.

Manual therapies are a vital part of treatment. It helps to free up old or new scar tissue, tissue, or joint restrictions. It allows normal tissue and joint gliding, naturally. Your treatment plan will likely include several different therapies, all aimed at helping a specific function of your body.

Our physical therapists are highly trained in diagnosing and treating movement disorders, so rest assured you can find the relief you need at our clinic.

In fact, many patients notice improvement after just one session of manual therapy! There are a variety of techniques that help your tendons, ligaments, joints, and nerves in ways that relieve pain and promote healing. How can manual therapy benefit me?

Manual therapy can help you!

Ready to get started? Our dedicated physical therapists will be happy to meet with you to get you moving once again.

If you are interested in gaining the many benefits of manual therapy, contact Hilltop Physical Therapy today!